[sessions start at $375]

The art of the everyday.

This style of photography aims to document real-life portraits, events, situations, or milestones - in an artistic manner.

Initial phone consultation + unlimited email correspondence

Photography by Alana Adetola - starting from one [20] minute session ranging to one [half-day] session [up to 4 hours]

Choose from a number of [on-location] or [in-studio] session options; including unlimited poses & as many outfit options as you desire

Professionally edited, high-resolution images - digitally delivered via password protected online photo gallery for image viewing

Print Release for personal printing and Social Media sharing



[sessions start at $875]

Food & Drink. Colors & Textures. Shapes & Plates.

Food photography is most certainly an art from - and one that I happen to take very seriously.

I appreciate the creative planning & plating that goes into crafting every dish. This allows me to carefully & meticulously capture every single detail of your menu. From the texture of the spiced nuts on your appetizer menu to the water beads rolling down the lemon spiral of your handcrafted cocktail.

These photos will guarantee to make mouth water!


Initial phone consultation + unlimited email correspondence

Photography by Alana Adetola - starting from one [60] minute session ranging to one half-day session [up to 4 hours]

Choose from an [on-location] or [in-studio] session option with unlimited styling, multiple angles, lighting techniques, and backdrop options to choose from

Professionally edited, high-resolution images - digitally delivered via password protected online photo gallery for image viewing

Print Release for personal printing and Social Media sharing

Below you’ll find examples of our most popular backdrop options



[sessions start at $375]

How do you want the world to see YOU?

In the business world, an image can be the difference between "making the sale" and "missing the opportunity". 

If you’re promoting your work, your brand, yourself - whatever line of work you're in, you need a great looking headshot. You deserve so much more than just a 'flattering photograph'. A beautifully crafted headshot is a powerful tool - it makes people remember you. Why? Because facial recognition is wired deeply inside of us. Show the world a headshot that people can identify with, the real that people will remember you by.

High-quality, professional business photos have the ability to capture the attention of your clients by adding instant personality to all things revolving around YOUR business - from marketing materials to public relations efforts, social media outlets and much more.

You’ll be provided with professional, high quality photos that will bring your business brand to life! With a quick turn-around, your high-resolution images will be digitally delivered via online gallery.


Business, Actor, Musician, Artist, Children and Teen headshots; excellent for:

Marketing & Advertising
Business Cards
Corporate Communications & Investor Relations
Social Networking
Email Confirmation
Employee Recognition
& More!


Initial phone consultation + unlimited email correspondence

Photography by Alana Adetola  - starting from one [20] minute session ranging to one [half-day] session [up to 4 hours]

Choose from an [on-location] or [in-studio] session option; including unlimited poses & as many background & outfit options as you desire

Includes basic edits that are post-processed for optimal color, brightness, contrast, clarity, and white-balance. [Extensive retouching requests after initial post-processing are priced at an additional cost,]

Professionally edited, high-resolution images - digitally delivered via password protected online photo gallery for image viewing

Print Release for personal printing and Social Media sharing

Below you’ll find examples of our most popular backdrop options



[sessions start at $675]

Branding photography is for entrepreneurs, small business owners, bloggers, musicians, freelancers, and any other industry professionals whose branding calls for a unique visual package that goes above & beyond simply photographing each individual. Branding packages visually support product marketing and business branding with a focus not only on promoting people and products, but also the ideas that make you and your business brand stand out from the rest. Consider these types of shoots the visual counterpart to your brand.


Small businesses, Entrepreneurs, Bloggers, Freelancers and Industry Brand Professionals; perfect for:

Business Cards
Social Media
& More!

Really, any type of visual marketing materials that you think you might need in order to promote you, your business brand. Whether you’re looking to promote yourself, a specific aspect of your work, or both, a customized branding package will provide you with the flexibility and customization to suit all of your professional photography needs.

Initial phone consultation + unlimited email correspondence

Photography by Alana Adetola  - starting from one [45] minute session ranging to one [half-day] session [up to 4 hours]

Choose from an [on-location] or [in-studio] session option; including unlimited poses & as many background & outfit options as you desire

Professionally edited, high-resolution images - digitally delivered via password protected online photo gallery for image viewing

Print Release for personal printing and Social Media sharing


[sessions start at $475]

You deserve to be pampered!

Boudoir sessions allow women [& men!] of all shapes & sizes - to share space with me, getting to know each other on a very intimate level in order to create long-lasting images of your most perfect self. These photographs make for excellent Valentine's day gifts, the perfect "just for your lover" wedding night gift, but most of all...they make the perfect gift for YOU! Whether you choose to be fully-clothed, to wear your most sexy lingerie outfit, or if you'd prefer to be fully-nude - YOU decide. These sessions are designed for humans of all ages & all body types.

Your boudoir session will take place in a private suite in one of Buffalo's premier hotels. Suite options range from comfy-classic to modern-chic, to high-end glamorous! We will work with you to create an atmosphere that is perfect for you! Book your session with Alana Adetola Arts Photography today & let our female-only team help you to celebrate the beauty within YOU!

Alana will serve as your personal artistic director & photographer for the duration of your session using specially designed soft lenses, coupled with the very best naturally soft lighting. With her guidance & expertise, you'll be sure to look your absolute best!

*Boudoir images are for your eyes & your eyes ONLY! No boudoir session photographs will be promoted through Alana Adetola Arts Photography marketing without your permission.


Initial phone consultation + unlimited email correspondence

Photography by Alana Adetola for a one session ranging from [45] minutes to [90] minutes

Choose from an [on-location] or [in-studio] session option; including unlimited poses & as many background & outfit options as you desire

Professionally edited, high-resolution images - digitally delivered via password protected online photo gallery for image viewing

Print Release for personal printing and Social Media sharing